I know it is an "old" topic that was already mentioned in the
main blog, but I think it is very interesting and I have never thought
about it until now.
It's no secret that science fiction stories have inspire people this
last century to create a pretty good number of artifacts, in fact many of the technology
we are currently using, originally started as a concept view only in sci-fi.
Some good examples of this, that I recognize from the books I have
already read, because they are quite a lot believe me, are the rocket (H.G Wells - The War of Worlds), the submarine (Julio
Verne - Twenty Thousand leagues Under the Sea), surveillance (George Orwell -
1984) and Cloning (Aldous Huxley - A Brand New World). Pretty sure at least in
a 90%, that all these concepts were seen firstly in its respective works, and
then a few years or decades later they were made a real thing.
So even if science fiction authors are not instructed completely in physics
or engineering (and I know there are exceptions I now), these can contribute in
a big way as starters of great inventions and current technology.
But what happen with the concept of science fiction that we had of this
objects? Because after science fiction is the "what if" in terms of
technology. And the answer is quite obvious; it is no longer sci-fi. As I like
to call it, it is an "Uncertain Sci-Fi", it is never the same, it is
changing thru time unlike other genres.
If you want to write, draw, or film a work of this kind, you can't put
in it elements that were considerate 50 years ago futuristic, because most of
them are already real, and it would be just realistic, unless you add something
that is not in our hands by the time, in that case you will be doing exactly what
Verne, Wells, Huxley and other authors were doing is their times, you would be contributing
to create new science fiction and possibly a future reality.
So what is next? Just the time and the Science Fiction will say it.
"Science fiction is any idea that occurs in the head and doesn't exist yet, but soon will, and will change everything for everybody, and nothing will ever be the same again. As soon as you have an idea that changes some small part of the world, you are writing science fiction. It is always the art of the possible, never the impossible" -Ray Bradbury
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